Source code for vasprun

#!/usr/bin/env  python
# encoding: utf-8
from vasprun.version import __version__
from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
from optparse import OptionParser
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
import warnings

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True})"bmh")

[docs] def smear_data(data, sigma): """ Apply Gaussian smearing to spectrum y value. Args: sigma: Std dev for Gaussian smear function """ from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d diff = [data[i + 1, 0] - data[i, 0] for i in range(len(data) - 1)] avg_x_per_step = np.sum(diff) / len(diff) data[:, 1] = gaussian_filter1d(data[:, 1], sigma / avg_x_per_step) return data
[docs] class units: am2kg = 1.6605402e-27 ev2j = 1.60217733e-19 plank = 6.626075e-34 c = 2.99792458e+10 pi = 3.1415926 proton_mass = 1836 ev2hartree = 27.211386245988 a2bohr = 0.529 ev2cm = 8065.6
[docs] class vasprun: """ parse vasprun.xml and return all useful info to self.values Args: vasp_file: the path of vasprun.xml verbosity: output error msgs or not """ def __init__(self, vasp_file='vasprun.xml', verbosity=0): self.error = False self.errormsg = '' self.values = {} try: doc = etree.parse(vasp_file) doc = doc.getroot() self.parse_vaspxml(doc) self.get_band_gap() N_atom = len(self.values['finalpos']['positions']) self.values['calculation']['energy_per_atom'] = \ self.values['calculation']['energy']/N_atom except etree.XMLSyntaxError: self.error = True self.errormsg = 'corrupted file found' if verbosity > 0 and self.error: print("----------Warning---------------") print(self.errormsg) print("--------------------------------")
[docs] def parse_vaspxml(self, xml_object): """ parse the following tags - incar - kpoints - atominfo - composition, elements, formula - calculation - eigenvalues, energy, dos, fermi energy, stress, force - finalpos - lattice, rec_lat, positions """ for child in xml_object.iterchildren(): self.values.setdefault(child.tag, {}) if child.tag == "incar": self.values[child.tag] = self.parse_i_tag_collection(child) elif child.tag == "kpoints": self.values[child.tag] = self.parse_kpoints(child) elif child.tag == "parameters": self.values[child.tag] = self.parse_parameters(child) elif child.tag == "atominfo": self.values["name_array"] = self.parse_name_array(child) self.values["composition"] = self.parse_composition(child) self.values["elements"] = self.get_element(self.values["composition"]) self.values["formula"] = self.get_formula(self.values["composition"]) self.values["pseudo_potential"], self.values["potcar_symbols"], \ self.values["valence"], self.values["mass"] = \ self.get_potcar(child) elif child.tag == "calculation": self.values["calculation"], scf_count = self.parse_calculation(child) if self.values['parameters']['electronic']['electronic convergence']['NELM'] == scf_count: self.error = True self.errormsg = 'SCF is not converged' else: self.error = False #if last SCF is fine, results are fine if self.values['parameters']['electronic']['electronic spin']['LSORBIT'] \ or self.values['parameters']['electronic']['electronic spin']['ISPIN'] == 2: self.spin = True else: self.spin = False elif child.tag == "structure" and child.attrib.get("name") == "finalpos": self.values["finalpos"] = self.parse_finalpos(child) elif child.tag not in ("i", "r", "v", "incar", "kpoints", "atominfo", "calculation"): self.values[child.tag] = self.parse_vaspxml(child) # else: # return 1 self.dict_clean(self.values)
[docs] @staticmethod def dict_clean(dict_del): """ Delete the keys that is {} and None Loops recursively over nested dictionaries. """ dict_foo = dict_del.copy() # Used as iterator to avoid the 'DictionaryHasChanged' error for key in dict_foo.keys(): if isinstance(dict_foo[key], dict): vasprun.dict_clean(dict_del[key]) #if len(dict_foo[key])==0: if dict_foo[key] == {} or dict_foo[key] is None: try: del dict_del[key] except KeyError: pass return dict_del
[docs] def parse_finalpos(self, finalpos): """ obtain final configuration """ d = {} for i in finalpos.iter("varray"): name = i.attrib.get("name") d[name] = self.parse_varray(i) return d
[docs] def parse_dynmat(self, dynmat): hessian, eigenvalues, eigenvectors = [], [], [] for va in dynmat.findall("varray"): if va.attrib.get("name") == "hessian": hessian = self.parse_varray(va) elif va.attrib.get("name") == "eigenvectors": eigenvectors = self.parse_varray(va) factor = np.sqrt(units.ev2j/1e-20/units.am2kg) for v in dynmat.findall("v"): for i in v.text.split(): eigenvalues.append(np.sqrt(abs(float(i)))*factor*units.plank/units.ev2j/2/units.pi) #eigenvalues.append(np.sqrt(abs(float(i)))) return hessian, eigenvalues, eigenvectors
[docs] def parse_born_chg(self, charge): """ obtain the born charge """ chg = [] for info in charge.findall('set'): chg.append(self.parse_varray(info)) return chg
[docs] def parse_i_tag_collection(self, itags_collection): d = {} for info in itags_collection.findall("i"): name = info.attrib.get("name") type = info.attrib.get("type") content = info.text d[name] = self.assign_type(type, content) return d
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_varray_pymatgen(elem): def _vasprun_float(f): """ Large numbers are often represented as ********* in the vasprun. This function parses these values as np.nan """ try: return float(f) except ValueError as e: f = f.strip() if f == '*' * len(f): warnings.warn('Float overflow (*******) encountered in vasprun') return np.nan raise e if elem.get("type", None) == 'logical': m = [[True if i == 'T' else False for i in v.text.split()] for v in elem] else: m = [[_vasprun_float(i) for i in v.text.split()] for v in elem] return m
[docs] def parse_v(self, v): """ obtain final configuration """ return [float(n) for n in v.text.split()]
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_varray(varray): if varray.get("type") == 'int': m = [[int(number) for number in v.text.split()] for v in varray.findall("v")] else: try: m = [[float(number) for number in v.text.split()] for v in varray.findall("v")] except: m = [[0 for number in v.text.split()] for v in varray.findall("v")] return m
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_array(array): array_dictionary = {} values = [] dimension_list = {} field_list = [] for dimension in array.findall("dimension"): dimension_list[dimension.attrib.get("dim")] = dimension.text for field in array.findall("field"): field_list.append(field.text) for r in array.iter("r"): values.append([float(number) for number in r.text.split()]) array_dictionary["value"] = values array_dictionary['dimensions'] = dimension_list array_dictionary['fields'] = field_list return array_dictionary
[docs] @staticmethod def assign_type(type, content): if type == "logical": content = content.replace(" ", "") if content in ('T', 'True', 'true'): return True elif content in ('F', 'False', 'false'): return False else: Warning("logical text " + content + " not T, True, true, F, False, false, set to False") return False elif type == "int": return int(content) if len(content.split()) == 1 else [int(number) for number in content.split()] elif type == "string": return content elif type is None: return float(content) if len(content.split()) == 1 else [float(number) for number in content.split()] else: Warning("New type: " + type + ", set to string") return content
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_composition(atom_info): atom_names = {} for set in atom_info.findall("array"): if set.attrib.get("name") == "atoms": for rc in set.iter("rc"): atom_name = rc.find("c").text.replace(" ", '') if atom_name in atom_names: atom_names[atom_name] += 1 else: atom_names[atom_name] = 1 break return atom_names
[docs] @staticmethod def get_element(atom_names_dictionary): elements = [] for atom_name in atom_names_dictionary: elements.append(atom_name.replace(" ", "")) return elements
[docs] @staticmethod def get_formula(atom_names_dictionary): formula = '' for atom_name in atom_names_dictionary: formula += atom_name.replace(' ', '') + str(atom_names_dictionary[atom_name]) return formula
[docs] def get_potcar(self, child): """ parse the potcar information - {'labels': ['O', 'Sr_sv'], 'pot_type': 'paw', 'functional': 'pbe'} - ['PAW_PBE', 'N', '08Apr2002'] """ pseudo = {'labels': [], 'pot_type': [], 'functional': []} potcar_symbol = [] valence = [] mass = [] for i in child.iterchildren(): if i.tag == "array" and i.attrib.get("name") == 'atomtypes': ll = list(i.iter('c')) for i in range(3, len(ll), 5): valence.append(float(ll[i].text)) for i in range(2, len(ll), 5): mass.append(float(ll[i].text)) for i in range(4, len(ll), 5): text = ll[i].text.split() label = text[1] pot = text[0].split('_')[0] try: xc = text[0].split('_')[1] except: xc = 'unknown' pseudo['labels'].append(label) pseudo['pot_type'].append(pot) pseudo['functional'].append(xc) potcar_symbol.append(xc + ' ' + label) return pseudo, potcar_symbol, valence, mass
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_name_array(atominfo): atom_names = [] for array in atominfo.findall("array"): if array.attrib["name"] == "atoms": atom_names = [rc.find("c").text.strip() for rc in array.find("set")] if atom_names == []: ValueError("No atomname found in file") return atom_names
# def parse_eigenvalue(self, eigenvalue): # eigenvalue = eigenvalue.find("array") # eigenvalues = self.parse_array(eigenvalue) # return eigenvalues
[docs] def parse_parameters(self, child): parameters = {} for i in child: if i.tag == "separator": name = i.attrib.get("name") d = self.parse_i_tag_collection(i) parameters[name] = d for ii in i: if ii.tag == "separator": name2 = ii.attrib.get("name") d2 = self.parse_i_tag_collection(ii) parameters[name][name2] = d2 return parameters
[docs] def parse_eigenvalue(self, eigenvalue): eigenvalues = [] for s in eigenvalue.find("array").find("set").findall("set"): for ss in s.findall("set"): eigenvalues.append(self.parse_varray_pymatgen(ss)) return eigenvalues
[docs] def parse_dos(self, dos): t_dos = [] p_dos = [] for s in dos.find("total").find("array").findall("set"): for ss in s.findall("set"): t_dos.append(self.parse_varray_pymatgen(ss)) if dos.find("partial") is not None: if len(dos.find("partial"))>0: for s in dos.find("partial").find("array").findall("set"): for i, ss in enumerate(s.findall("set")): p = [] for sss in ss.findall("set"): p.append(self.parse_varray_pymatgen(sss)) p_dos.append(p) return t_dos, p_dos
[docs] def parse_projected(self, proj): projected = [] for s in proj.find("array").find("set").findall("set"): for ss in s.findall("set"): p = [] for sss in ss.findall("set"): p.append(self.parse_varray_pymatgen(sss)) projected.append(p) return projected #[N_kpts, N_bands]
[docs] def parse_calculation(self, calculation): stress = [] force = [] efermi = 0.0 eigenvalues = [] energy = 0.0 scf_count = 0 tdos = [] pdos = [] born_chgs = [] hessian = [] dyn_eigenvalues = [] dyn_eigenvectors = [] epsilon_ion = [] epsilon_ = [] proj = [] pion = [] psp1 = [] psp2 = [] pelc = [] for i in calculation.iterchildren(): if i.attrib.get("name") == "stress": stress = self.parse_varray(i) elif i.attrib.get("name") == "forces": force = self.parse_varray(i) elif i.tag == "dos": for j in i.findall("i"): if j.attrib.get("name") == "efermi": efermi = float(j.text) break tdos, pdos = self.parse_dos(i) elif i.tag == "projected": proj = self.parse_projected(i) elif i.tag == "eigenvalues": eigenvalues = self.parse_eigenvalue(i) elif i.tag == "scstep": for j in i.iterchildren(): if j.tag == 'energy': for e in j.findall("i"): if e.attrib.get("name") == "e_fr_energy": scf_count += 1 elif i.tag == "energy": for e in i.findall("i"): if e.attrib.get("name") == "e_fr_energy": try: energy = float(e.text) except ValueError: energy = 1000000000 else: Warning("No e_fr_energy found in <calculation><energy> tag, energy set to 0.0") elif i.tag == "array" and i.attrib.get("name") == "born_charges": born_chgs = self.parse_born_chg(i) elif i.tag == "varray" and i.attrib.get("name") == "epsilon_ion": epsilon_ion = self.parse_varray(i) elif i.tag == "dynmat": hessian, dyn_eigenvalues, dyn_eigenvectors = self.parse_dynmat(i) elif i.tag == "v": if i.attrib.get("name") == "PION": pion = self.parse_v(i) elif i.attrib.get("name") == "PSP1": psp1 = self.parse_v(i) elif i.attrib.get("name") == "PSP2": psp2 = self.parse_v(i) elif i.attrib.get("name") == "PELC": pelc = self.parse_v(i) calculation = {} calculation["stress"] = stress calculation["efermi"] = efermi calculation["force"] = force calculation["eband_eigenvalues"] = eigenvalues calculation["energy"] = energy calculation["tdos"] = tdos calculation["pdos"] = pdos calculation["projected"] = proj calculation["born_charges"] = born_chgs calculation["hessian"] = hessian calculation["normal_modes_eigenvalues"] = dyn_eigenvalues calculation["normal_modes_eigenvectors"] = dyn_eigenvectors calculation["epsilon_ion"] = epsilon_ion calculation["pion"] = pion calculation["psp1"] = psp1 calculation["psp2"] = psp2 calculation["pelc"] = pelc return calculation, scf_count
[docs] def parse_kpoints(self, kpoints): kpoints_dict = {'list': [], 'weights': [], 'divisions': [], 'mesh_scheme': ''} for i in kpoints.iterchildren(): if i.tag == 'generation': kpoints_dict['mesh_scheme'] = i.attrib.get('param') for j in i.iterchildren(): if j.attrib.get("name") == 'divisions': kpoints_dict['divisions'] = [int(number) for number in j.text.split()] break for va in kpoints.findall("varray"): name = va.attrib["name"] if name == "kpointlist": kpoints_dict['list'] = self.parse_varray(va) elif name == "weights": kpoints_dict['weights'] = self.parse_varray(va) return kpoints_dict
[docs] def get_bands(self): """ Function for computing the valence band index from the count of electrons Args: None Returns: bands: an integer number occupy: bool number """ valence = self.values['valence'] composition = self.values['composition'] total = int(self.values['parameters']['electronic']['NELECT']) #if self.spin: # fac = 1 #else: # fac = 2 fac = 2 if total % 2 == 0: IBAND = int(total/fac) occupy = True else: IBAND = int(total/fac) + 1 occupy = False self.values["bands"] = IBAND self.values["occupy"] = occupy
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cbm(kpoints, efermi, eigens, IBAND): ind = np.argmin(eigens[:, IBAND, 0]) pos = kpoints[ind] value = eigens[ind, IBAND, 0] - efermi return {'kpoint': pos, 'value': value}
[docs] @staticmethod def get_vbm(kpoints, efermi, eigens, IBAND): ind = np.argmax(eigens[:, IBAND, 0]) pos = kpoints[ind] value = eigens[ind, IBAND, 0] - efermi return {'kpoint': pos, 'value': value}
[docs] def get_band_gap(self): self.get_bands() IBAND = self.values['bands'] occupy = self.values['occupy'] self.values['metal'] = False self.values['gap'] = None self.values['cbm'] = None self.values['vbm'] = None if occupy is True: efermi = self.values["calculation"]["efermi"] eigens = np.array(self.values['calculation']['eband_eigenvalues']) kpoints = np.array(self.values['kpoints']['list']) if np.shape(eigens)[0] > np.shape(kpoints)[0]: kpoints = np.tile(kpoints, [2, 1]) cbm = self.get_cbm(kpoints, efermi, eigens, IBAND) vbm = self.get_vbm(kpoints, efermi, eigens, IBAND-1) self.values['gap'] = cbm['value'] - vbm['value'] self.values['cbm'] = cbm self.values['vbm'] = vbm if self.values['gap'] < 0: self.values['metal'] = True self.values['gap'] = 0 else: self.values['metal'] = True self.values['gap'] = 0
[docs] def eigenvalues_by_band(self, band=0): efermi = self.values["calculation"]["efermi"] eigens = np.array(self.values['calculation']['eband_eigenvalues']) return eigens[:, band, 0] - efermi
[docs] def show_eigenvalues_by_band(self, bands=[0]): kpts = self.values['kpoints']['list'] col_name = {'K-points': kpts} for band in bands: eigen = self.eigenvalues_by_band(band) if self.spin: eigens = np.reshape(eigen, [int(len(eigen)/2), 2]) name1 = 'band' + str(band) + 'up' name2 = 'band' + str(band) + 'down' col_name[name1] = eigens[:, 0] col_name[name2] = eigens[:, 1] else: name = 'band'+str(band) col_name[name] = eigen df = pd.DataFrame(col_name) print(df)
[docs] def export_incar(self, filename=None, print_incar=True): """export incar""" contents = [] for key in self.values['incar'].keys(): content = key + ' = ' + str(self.values['incar'][key]) content += '\n' contents.append(str(content)) if filename is not None: with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.writelines(contents) elif print_incar: print(contents) self.incar = contents
[docs] def export_kpoints(self, filename=None): """export kpoints""" contents = ['KPOINTS\n'] contents += str(len(self.values['kpoints']['list'])) + '\n' contents += ['Cartesian\n'] for kpt, wt in zip(self.values['kpoints']['list'], self.values['kpoints']['weights']): content = "{:10.4f} {:10.4f} {:10.4f} {:10.4f}".format(kpt[0], kpt[1], kpt[2], wt[0]) if filename is None: print(content) else: content += '\n' contents.append(str(content)) if filename is not None: with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.writelines(contents)
[docs] def export_poscar(self, filename): """ export poscar Args: filename: string Returns: a POSCAR file """ comp = self.values["composition"] atomNames = self.values["name_array"] latt = self.values["finalpos"]["basis"] pos = self.values["finalpos"]["positions"] with open(filename, 'w') as f: string = '' for key in comp.keys(): string += key string += str(comp[key]) string += '\n' f.write(string) f.write('1.0\n') f.write('{:12.6f} {:12.6f} {:12.6f}\n'.format(latt[0][0], latt[0][1], latt[0][2])) f.write('{:12.6f} {:12.6f} {:12.6f}\n'.format(latt[1][0], latt[1][1], latt[1][2])) f.write('{:12.6f} {:12.6f} {:12.6f}\n'.format(latt[2][0], latt[2][1], latt[2][2])) for key in comp.keys(): f.write('{:4s}'.format(key)) f.write('\n') for key in comp.keys(): f.write('{:4d}'.format(comp[key])) f.write('\n') f.write('Direct\n') for coor in pos: f.write('{:12.6f} {:12.6f} {:12.6f}\n'.format(coor[0], coor[1], coor[2]))
[docs] def parse_bandpath(self): kpts = self.values['kpoints']['list'] rec_basis = np.array(self.values['finalpos']['rec_basis']) def inline(kpt, path): if len(path) < 2: return True else: v1 = np.array(kpt) - np.array(path[-1]) v2 = np.array(path[-1]) - np.array(path[-2]) v1_norm = np.linalg.norm(v1) v2_norm = np.linalg.norm(v2) if v1_norm < 1e-3: return False else: cos =, v2)/v1_norm/v2_norm if abs(cos-1) < 1e-2: return True else: #print(kpt, path[-2], path[-1], angle,, v2)/v1_norm/v2_norm) return False paths = [] path = [] for i, kpt in enumerate(kpts): if inline(kpt, path): path.append(kpt) if i == len(kpts) - 1: paths.append(path) else: paths.append(path) path = [] path.append(kpt) band_points = [] pointer = 0 for i, path in enumerate(paths): path = np.array(path) dist = np.linalg.norm([0, :] - path[-1, :], rec_basis)) x = np.linspace(pointer, pointer+dist, len(path[:, 0])) if i == 0: band_paths = x else: band_paths = np.hstack((band_paths, x)) pointer += dist band_points.append(pointer) self.values['band_paths'] = band_paths self.values['band_points'] = band_points
[docs] def plot_band(self, ax=None, filename=None, style='normal', ylim=[-20, 3], plim=[0.0,0.5], labels=None, saveBands=False, dpi=300): """ plot the bandstructure Args: filename: string styles: string (`normal` or `projected`) ylim: list, the range of energy values on the y-axis, e.g. [-5, 3] plim: float (the ratio of color plot in the `projected` mode) Returns: A figure with band structure """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() self.parse_bandpath() efermi = self.values["calculation"]["efermi"] eigens = np.array(self.values['calculation']['eband_eigenvalues']) paths = self.values['band_paths'] band_pts = self.values['band_points'] proj = np.array(self.values["calculation"]["projected"]) #[N_kpts, N_band, Ions, 9] cm ='RdYlBu') nkpt, nband, nocc = np.shape(eigens) for i in range(nband): band = eigens[:, i, 0] - efermi if np.all(band < ylim[0]) or np.all(band > ylim[1]): continue p = np.empty([len(paths)]) for kpt,_ in enumerate(paths): p[kpt] = np.sum(proj[kpt, i, :, :]) if len(band)/len(paths) == 2: ax.plot(paths, band[:len(paths)], c='black', lw=1.0) ax.plot(paths, band[len(paths):], c='red', lw=1.0) else: ax.plot(paths, band, c='black', lw=1.0) if style == 'projected': p[p<plim[0]] = plim[0] p[p>plim[1]] = plim[1] ax.scatter(paths, band, c=p, vmin=plim[0], vmax=plim[1], cmap=cm, s=10) if saveBands: np.savetxt('band%04d.dat'%i,np.transpose([band,p])) else: if saveBands: np.savetxt('band%04d.dat'%i,band) for pt in band_pts: ax.axvline(x=pt, ls='-', color='k', alpha=0.5) if style == 'projected': cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', ticks=[0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0], ) cbar.set_label('ratio of projected DOS')#, fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("Energy (eV)") ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xlim([0, paths[-1]]) ax.set_xticks([]) # Manually setup the xlabels if labels is not None: xticks = [0] + band_pts print('ticks', xticks) print('labels', labels) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) if filename is None: return ax else: plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
[docs] def get_dos(self, rows, style='t'): mydos = [] labels = [] a_array = self.values["name_array"] N_atom = len(a_array) tdos = np.array(self.values['calculation']['tdos']) pdos = np.array(self.values['calculation']['pdos']) a, b, c, d = np.shape(pdos) pdos = np.reshape(pdos, [b, a, c, d]) if style == 't': for spin in tdos: mydos.append(spin[rows, 1]) labels.append('Total') elif style in ['s', 'p', 'd']: for spin in pdos: spd = spin[0, : , :] for i in range(1, N_atom): spd += spin[i, :, :] if style == 's': mydos.append(spd[rows, 1]) elif style == 'p': mydos.append(spd[rows, 2] + spd[rows, 3] + spd[rows, 4]) else: mydos.append(spd[rows, 5] + spd[rows, 6] + spd[rows, 7] + spd[rows, 8] + spd[rows, 9]) labels.append(style) # element based elif style[0] == 'a': if style[1].isdigit(): ids = style[1].split('-') start, end = int(ids[0]), int(ids[1]) ids = range(start, end+1) else: ele = style[1:] ids = [] for i in range(N_atom): if ele == a_array[i]: ids.append(i) for spin in pdos: spd = spin[ids[0], :, :] for i in ids[1:]: spd += spin[i, :, :] mydos.append(spd[rows, 1] + spd[rows, 2] + spd[rows, 3] + spd[rows, 4] + \ spd[rows, 5] + spd[rows, 6] + spd[rows, 7] + spd[rows, 8] + spd[rows, 9]) labels.append(style[1:]) if len(labels) == 2: labels[0] += '-up' labels[1] += '-down' mydos[1] *= -1 return mydos, labels
[docs] def plot_dos(self, ax=None, filename=None, smear=None, flip=False, style='t', xlim=[-3, 3], dos_range=[0, None], dpi=300): """ plot the DOS Args: ax: default None filename: string styles: string (`t` or `s` or `t+spd`) xlim: list, the range of energy values on the x-axis, e.g. [-5, 3] smear: float (the width of smearing, defult: None) flip: whether or not flip the x/y Returns: A figure with band structure """ efermi = self.values['calculation']['efermi'] tdos = np.array(self.values['calculation']['tdos'][0]) tdos[:, 0] -= efermi e = tdos[:, 0] rows = (e > xlim[0]) & (e < xlim[1]) e = e[rows] plt_obj = {} options = [] for option in style.split('+'): if option == 'spd': options.extend(['s', 'p', 'd']) elif option == 'a': for ele in self.values['elements']: options.append('a'+ele) else: options.append(option) for style in options: mydos, labels = self.get_dos(rows, style) for data, label in zip(mydos, labels): plt_obj[label] = data if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() lines1 = [] lines2 = [] labels1 = [] labels2 = [] for label in plt_obj.keys(): e = np.reshape(e, [len(e), 1]) data = np.reshape(plt_obj[label], [len(e), 1]) if smear is not None: print("Apply smear", smear) data = np.hstack((e, data)) data = smear_data(data, smear) data = data[:, 1] ls = '-' if label=='Total' else '--' if label.find('down') > 0: if flip: lines2 += ax.plot(data, e, ls=ls) else: lines2 += ax.plot(e, data, ls=ls) labels2.append(label) else: if flip: lines1 += ax.plot(data, e, ls=ls) else: lines1 += ax.plot(e, data, ls=ls) labels1.append(label) leg1 = ax.legend(lines1, [label for label in labels1], fancybox=True, loc='upper right') leg1.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) if len(lines2) > 0: from matplotlib.legend import Legend leg2 = Legend(ax, lines2, [label for label in labels2], fancybox=True, loc='lower right') ax.add_artist(leg2) leg2.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) if flip: #ax.set_ylabel("Energy (eV)") ax.set_xlabel("DOS (States/eV)") ax.set_ylim(xlim) x_min, x_max = ax.get_xlim() if dos_range[0] is not None: x_min = dos_range[0] if dos_range[1] is not None: x_max = dos_range[1] ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) else: ax.set_xlabel("Energy (eV)") ax.set_ylabel("DOS") ax.set_xlim(xlim) y_min, y_max = ax.get_ylim() if dos_range[0] is not None: y_min = dos_range[0] if dos_range[1] is not None: y_max = dos_range[1] ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) if filename is None: return ax else: plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
[docs] def plot_band_dos(self, filename=None, band_style='normal', dos_style='t+a', smear=None, e_range=[-10, 3], dos_max=None, plim=[0.0, 0.5], band_labels=None, figsize=(6, 4), dpi=300): """ Args: filename (string): the path of figure smear (float): the width of smearing, defult: None styles (string): (`t` or `s` or `t+spd` or ele) e_range (list): the range of energy values on the x-axis, e.g. [-5, 3] Returns: A figure with band structure """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[2, 1]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax1 = self.plot_band(ax1, style=band_style, ylim=e_range, plim=plim, labels=band_labels) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax2 = self.plot_dos(ax2, style=dos_style, smear=smear, xlim=e_range, dos_range=[0, dos_max], flip=True) plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)